With a comprehensive portfolio and extensive experience, we provide smart solutions to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market.


With a comprehensive portfolio and extensive experience, we provide smart solutions to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market.


With a comprehensive portfolio and extensive experience, we provide smart solutions to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market.


With a comprehensive portfolio and extensive experience, we provide smart solutions to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market.


From the smallest details to the most complex activities, RWK is dedicated to redefining the representation and customer service model.

Founded in 1979 by Raymond Kahl, a retired military officer from the USAF, the company started its operation dedicated to offering the Brazilian market high quality products and services, aimed at civil and military aviation, representing companies from the United States and Europe.

Our reputation and reliability allow us to attract and serve some of the best companies in the sectors in which we operate.


Defense / Search and Rescue (SAR)

Naval & Offshore

Contact RWK